Dead Sea Fault System (DSFS) is one of the largest continental strike-slip
faults in the world. As the transform plate boundary between the
Arabian and African plates, the DSFS represents a key tectonic feature
in the eastern Mediterranean region. Despite its significance, the
understanding of the DSFS as an active, seismogenic structure is relatively
limited, particularly along the central and northern sections of the fault
in Syria and Lebanon. By studying active tectonic processes operating
at different time scales along the DSFS in Syria and Lebanon, this research
will address several important issues including:
In order to bridge the gap that typically exists between neotectonic and geodetic/seismological
assessments of strain, results of this neotectonic and geodetic work are currently
integrated with a lengthy, well documented historical record of large earthquakes
(approximately M > 6.5) over at least the past 2,000 years. Such a lengthy
historical record spanning multiple earthquake cycles is generally unavailable
along any other major plate boundary and is unique to this region.
To address the issues outlined above, the following is being accomplished:
Integrating and modeling neotectonic, geodetic, and historical data for the
DSFS will provide new insight on the kinematics and dynamics of the DSFS with
broader implications for active strike-slip faults, in general.
Furthermore, the results of this study will have significance for regional earthquake
hazard in Syria and Lebanon, as well as neighboring countries, where large,
rapidly expanding populations heighten the need for accurate earthquake
hazard assessments.
This collaborative study builds upon past and ongoing joint research involving Cornell, University of Missouri (Columbia), MIT, IPG Strasbourg, and Syrian and Lebanese institutions.
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For questions or comments, please contact Muawia Barazangi:
Last updated: August 2006