Examination of the Serghaya fault, a branch of the Dead Sea Fault System in western Syria and eastern Lebanon, documents Late Quaternary and Recent left-lateral fault movements including the probable remnant of a historic coseismic surface rupture. Carbon-14 dating and the presence of fault-scarp free faces in soft, late Pleistocene lake deposits suggest coseismic slip during the past two or three centuries, possibly corresponding with one of the well-documented earthquakes of 1705 or 1759. With an estimated Holocene slip rate of 1-2 mm/yr, the Serghaya Fault accommodates a significant part of the active deformation along the Arabian-African plate boundary. These results suggest that multiple active fault branches are involved in the transfer of strain through the 'Lebanese' restraining bend.
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This material has been published in The Journal of the Geological Society of London, Volume 158, the only definitive repository of the content that has been certified and accepted after peer review. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by The Geological Society of London.
Copyright © 2001 The Geological Society of London
Figure 2. Map showing shaded relief from a digital elevation model (produced from SAR interferometry) of the Serghaya Fault Zone (SFZ) depicting the large scale geomorphology (see Fig. 1 for location). Note the consistent left-lateral stream valley deflections that are particularly well expressed along the northern segment of the SFZ (small white arrows). Locations of fresh faulting observed in the field are marked by large grey arrows (see text for details). Other abbreviated locations: DA, Deir el Acheir; H, Ham.