Path | 174 |
Row | 35 |
Landsat TM Scene ID #'s | LT174035008425010 |
Aquisition Date | 9/06/1984 |
Image Projection: Longitude of central meridian: Latitude of true scale: False easting (meters): False northing (meters): Spheroid: |
Mercator 0 0 0.000 30 0 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 Clarke 1866 |
Easting (Meters) |
Northing (Meters) |
3437874 3592553 3621825 3643001 3642842 3601453 3521280 3444060 3422877 3396209 3396444 |
3607658 3611610 3730044 3814920 3829000 3836922 3835207 3832871 3739389 3620606 3614661 |
(Degrees) |
(Degrees) |
35.629990 37.233070 37.536446 37.755920 37.754269 37.325314 36.494408 35.694099 35.474560 35.198174 35.200607 |
35.170532 35.204155 36.205341 36.914997 37.032089 37.097881 37.083645 37.064247 36.283791 35.280647 35.230106 |
Cornell ID: R5001 (Registered with 90m topography)
U5001 (original)