Path | 201 |
Row | 37 |
Landsat TM Scene ID # | LT5201037008423110 |
Aquisition Date | 8/18/1984 |
Image Projection: Longitude of central meridian: Latitude of true scale: False easting (meters): False northing (meters): Spheroid: |
Mercator 0 0 0.000 30 0 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 Clarke 1866 |
Easting (Meters) |
Northing (Meters) |
-465899 -515135 -701715 -707434 -657992 -483547 |
3483839 3270259 3275462 3276453 3491690 3486837 |
(Degrees) |
(Degrees) |
-4.828561 -5.338842 -7.27254 -7.331818 -6.819407 -5.011466 |
34.109905 32.248573 32.294388 32.303112 34.177563 34.135754 |
Cornell ID: R3008 (Registered with 90m topography)
U3008 (original)