You can create maps using
the following data sets for any part of the world by connecting to our WWW
- ArcInfo interface page.
You can also extract profiles
from the grid type data sets using "The Profile Maker"
available in Java applet.
International Seismilogical Centre's earthquake locations (1986 - 1993) |
Earthquake locations with focal mechanism solutions -- (Harvard CMT solutions) |
Harvard CMT focal mechanism solutions |
Soviet IPE Moho map of Eurasia |
Cornell Moho map of Middle East |
Soviet IPE basement map of Eurasia |
University of Colorado Moho depth (From Surface Waves) |
University of Colorado Sediment Thickness (From Surface Waves) |
Lg coda Q values of Brian Mitchell of Saint Louis University) |
Pn velocity values of Thomas Hearn of New Mexico State University |
1 km resolution topography of the Middle East and North Africa |
1 km resolution topography of the Middle East and North Africa hill shaded view |
USGS earthquake locations in the MENA 1962-1990. |
Fault locations in the Middle East |
Volcanics in the Middle East (Neogene/Quaternary) |
Volcanics in the Middle East (Paleogene) |
Ophiolite locations in the Middle East |
Active volcanoes in the Middle East |
Extinct volcanoes in the Middle East |
Basement rock exposures in the Middle East |
Basement depth countours in the Middle East |
Bouguer gravity map of Africa and Middle East |
Free Air gravity map of Africa and Middle East |
Mosaic of five TM Landsat images along the Deas Sea fault system |