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Selected Syria Project Publications
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Palmyride Fold and Thrust Belt:
- Al-Saad, D., Sawaf,
T., Gebran, A., Barazangi, M., Best, J. A., and Chaimov, T. A., Northern
Arabian platform transect across the Palmyride mountain belt, Syrian Arab
Republic, Global Geoscience Transect 1, The Inter-Union Commission on the
Lithosphere and the American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., 1991.
- Al-Saad, D., Sawaf, T., Gebran, A.,
Barazangi, M., Best, J. A., and Chaimov, T. A., Crustal structure of central
Syria: The intracontinental Palmyride Mountain belt, Tectonophysics, 207,
345-358, 1992.
- Barazangi, M., Seber, D., Al-Saad, D., and
Sawaf, T., Structure of the intracontinental Palmyride mountain belt in
Syria and its relationship to nearby Arabian plate boundaries, Proc. 1st
Int. Symp. Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Bull. Earth Sci., 20, Cukurova Univ.,
Adana, Turkey, 111-118, 1992.
- Best, J. A., Barazangi, M., Al-Saad, D., Sawaf,
T., and Gebran, A., Bouguer gravity trends and crustal structure of the
Palmyride mountain belt and surrounding northern Arabian platform in Syria,
Geology, 18, 1235-1239, 1990.
- Brew, G., Best, J., Barazangi, M., Sawaf,
T. Tectonic evolution of the northeast Palmyride mountain belt, Syria:
the Bishri block, Journal of the Geological Society, London, 160, 677-685,
- Chaimov, T. A., Barazangi, M.,
Al-Saad, D., Sawaf, T., and Gebran, A., Shortening in the Palmyride fold
belt, Syria, and implications for movement along the Dead Sea fault system,
Tectonics, 9, 1369-1386, 1990.
- Chaimov, T A.., Barazangi, M., Al-Saad,
D., Sawaf, T. and Gebran, A., Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformation inferred
from seismic stratigraphy in the southwestern intracontinental Palmyride fold-thrust
belt, Syria, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 104, 704-715, 1992.
- Chaimov, T. A., Barazangi, M.,
Al-Saad, D., Sawaf, T., and Khaddour, M., Seismic fabric and 3-D upper
crustal structure of the southwestern intracontinental Palmyride fold belt,
Syria, Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Bull., 77, 2032-2047, 1993.
- McBride, J. H., Barazangi, M., Best,
J., Al-Saad, D., Sawaf, T., Al-Otri, M., and Gebran, A., Seismic reflection
structure of intracratonic Palmyride fold-thrust belt and surrounding Arabian
platform, Syria, Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Bull., 74, 238-259, 1990.
- Sawaf, T., Brew, G.E., Litak, R.K., Barazangi,
M., Geologic evolution of the intraplate Palmyride basin and Euphrates
fault system, Syria, PeriTethys Memoir # 6, eds. Ziegler, P., Cavazza,
W., Robertson, A. H. F., and Crasquin-Soleau, S., 441-467, 2001.
- Seber, D., Barazangi, M., Chaimov, T. A.,
Al-Saad, D., Sawaf, T., and Khaddour, M., Upper crustal velocity structure
and basement morphology beneath the intracontinental Palmyride fold-thrust
belt and north Arabian platform in Syria, Geophys. J. Int., 113, 752-766,
Euphrates Fault System / Eastern Syria:
- Alsdorf, D., Barazangi,
M., Litak, R., Seber, D., Sawaf, T., and Al-Saad, D., The intraplate Euphrates
fault system- Palmyrides mountain belt junction and relationship to Arabian
plate boundary tectonics, Annali di Geofisica,38, 385-397, 1995.
- Brew, G. E., Litak, R. K., Seber, D., Barazangi,
M., Sawaf, T., and Al-Imam, A., Basement depth and velocity structure in
the northern Arabian platform, Eastern Syria, Geophys. J. Int., 128, 617-631,
- Litak, R. K., Barazangi, M., Beauchamp,
W., Seber, D., Brew, G., Sawaf, T., and Al-Youssef, W., Mesozoic-Cenozoic
evolution of the intraplate Euphrates fault system, Syria: Implications for
regional tectonics, J. Geol. Soc., London, 154, 653-666, 1997.
- Litak, R. K., Barazangi, Brew, G.
E., M., Sawaf, T., Al-Imam, A., and Al-Youssef, W., Structure and evolution
of the petroliferous Euphrates graben system, southern Syria, Am. Assoc.
Petr. Geol. Bull., 82, 1173-1190, 1998.
- Sawaf, T., Al-Saad, D., Gebran,
A., Barazangi, M., Best, J. A., and Chaimov, T., Stratigraphy and structure
of eastern Syria across the Euphrates depression, Tectonophysics, 220,
267-281, 1993.
Northeastern Syria:
- Brew, G., Litak, R.,
Barazangi, M., Sawaf, T., and Zaza, T., Tectonic evolution of northeast
Syria: Implications for regional tectonics and hydrocarbons, GeoArabia,
4, 289-318, 1999.
General / Regional:
- Alchalbi, A., et al. Crustal deformation in northwestern Arabia from GPS measurements in Syria: Slow slip rate along the northern Dead Sea Fault. Geophys. J. Int., 180, 125-135, 2010.
- Barazangi, M., Seber, D., Chaimov,
T., Best, J., Litak, R., Al-Saad, D., and Sawaf, T., Tectonic evolution
of the northern Arabian plate in western Syria, in E. Boschi, E. Mantovani,
and A. Morelli, eds., Recent Evolution and Seismicity of the Mediterranean
Region, Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO ASI Series, The Netherlands, 117-140,
- Best, J. A., Barazangi, M., Al-Saad, D., Sawaf,
T. and Gebran, A., Continental margin evolution of the northern Arabian
platform in Syria, Am. Assoc. Petr. Geol. Bull., 77, 173-193, 1993.
- Brew, G. E., Litak, R. K., Seber, D., Barazangi,
M., Sawaf, T., and Zaza, T., Summary of the geological evolution of Syria
through geophysical interpretation implications for hydrocarbon exploration,
The Leading Edge, 16, 1473-1482, 1997.
Brew, G., Barazangi, M., Sawaf, T., and
Al-Maleh, K., Tectonic Map and Geologic Evolution of Syria: The role
of GIS, The Leading Edge, 19, 176-182, 2000.
Brew, G., Barazangi, M., Al-Maleh,
K., and Sawaf, T., Tectonic and Geologic evolution of Syria, GeoArabia,
6, 3, 2001.
G., Tectonic evolution of Syria Interpreted from Integrated Geophysical
and Geological Analysis, Ph. D. Dissertation, Cornell University, January
For questions or comments, please contact Muawia Barazangi: mb44@cornell.edu
Last updated:
May 2010